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Media queries

Media queries

For more advanced usage and pixel perfect designs you can also use a custom media queries. Library supports 4 types of media queries (w-width, h-height):

:w[200, 500] - with upper and lower bounds, it translates to width from 200-500px
:w[, 800] - with upper bound only, it's equal to width from 0-800px
:h[400] - lower bound only, it means height from 400px
:h[200, 300]:w[500] - combined queries for both width and height

Media queries can be mixed with breakpoints, but have a bigger priority:

const stylesheet = createStyleSheet(theme => ({
    container: {
       justifyContent: 'center',
       alignItems: 'center',
       flexDirection: {
          xs: 'column',
          sm: 'row',
       backgroundColor: {
          md: theme.colors.background,
          // even though md might overlap with >600px, lib will use 'barbie'
          ':w[600]': theme.colors.barbie
    text: {
       color: theme.colors.typography